F O L D S deploys itself on perceptual ground. Through a refined and delicate gesture, the body triggers a dialog with its own images, both multiple and screened, either recognizable or permuted, until the creation of an illusive landscape. Within the interactive installation, the inquiry is appearance, ambiguity and poetic. Turning into image and turning into body.
Year 2014 – Duration 30 min – Choreography and Performance Katia-Marie Germain – Performance Hélène Messier – Interactive Design and Sound Navid Navab – Lighting Design Sylvie Nobert – Installation Concept Lenka Novakova – Rehearsal Direction Marie-Gabrielle Ménard – Support Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec – Residencies Circuit-Est centre chorégraphique, Agora de la danse, José Navas/Compagnie Flak, Maison de la culture N.-D.-G., Hexagram CIAM – Photos Justine Latour, Frederic Chais